Recognize one (or more) of these … ?

  • Effluent non-compliancy or discharge limit violations (SS, COD, BOD, N, P, heavy metals, etc.)
  • Filamentous and non-filamentous sludge bulking, leading to bad sludge settling
  • Foam or scum layers on tanks, clarifiers and worst case: overspill
  • Turbid effluents: high SS, pin point, complete deflocculation
  • Rising sludge in clarifiers, settlers or thickeners, resulting in heavy sludge losses
  • Fines, litigation, etc.
  • Odour problems: complaints from your staff, neighbours or even your clients!
  • Sludge dewatering problems
  • Final sludge disposal not compliant and/or  too expensive
  • Effluent not meeting internal standards
  • One or more processes are unstable or difficult to control
  • MBR underperformance problems like insufficient flux, more cleaning, increasing downtime, etc.
  • New discharge licensing limits
  • A lack of understanding resulting in not getting a grip on processes
  • All kinds of discussions with suppliers, (sub)-contractors, etc.
  • Warranty issues and discussions
  • Those mind boggling questions you have not found an answer for yet …
  • Your Black Beast…?

Need Advice ?

If you own a specific WWT problem or, if you have a pressing question; then do start a conversation with us and get some unbiased and free advice!

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