

Consider us as "Flexible, unbiased Plug-In wastewater treatment Expertise", pluggable almost anywhere:

  • in any type of organisation (owner, investor, operator, designer, other advisors, and even governmental),
  • on any stage of a project (from conceptual design to start-up, operation and even revamp/enlargement/change of units),
  • on any level

  We can rely on a broad network of other colleagues, academic scientists, suppliers, etc., so we do not stand alone.

We are a bit atypical and a unique combination of the following:

  • Academics: who also love to be in the field, to see how "the real thing" happens
  • Operators: who also like to check things elsewhere, in order to understand more and better
  • Microscopists: who also want a broader view on how things can be of influence
  • Designers: who also want to experience how it works in the field
  • Consultants: who also like to get their hands dirty and effectively do what they say

This creative mix makes us particularly powerful in finding good solutions for your problems!

What we believe to be important in our relationships:

  • focussed on helping (adding value) clients in this difficult matter
  • trust
  • confidentiality
  • professionalism, know how, curiosity, vision (°)
  • strong commitment towards clients
  • unbiased
  • straight forward and no-nonsense attitude, keeping things as simple as possible
  • sincerity, honesty and being genuine
  • being respectful to anybody, independent of "rank"
  • high integrity
  • hard on issues, soft on people
  • positivity and humour

    (°) "Science making sense and vice versa": is our motto and we like it!    

Need Advice ?

If you own a specific WWT problem or, if you have a pressing question; then do start a conversation with us and get some unbiased and free advice!

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